an Engagement in respect of which details have been negotiated and agreed through us in advance of
commencement, being either a Permanent Placement, or a Temporary Placement
NOTE: an Engagement which you do not agree with us in advance is not an Assignment
any person, whether presenting as an individual, a contractor, an interim manager, whether self-employed or
otherwise, and/or a limited company through which a person is offering services, or a supplier company in respect
of whom or which, or in respect of whose skills or services, information is provided to you by us
Conduct Regulations
the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003
Connected Person
a person with whom we conduct business, being (a) a subsidiary company (as defined by s.1159 Companies Act
2006) or associated bodies corporate (as defined by s.256 Companies Act 2006) of yours, or (b) a business (whether
corporate or unincorporated)
(i) which is a member of, director of, or partner in, your company or business, or
(ii) of which you are a member, or director or partner, or
(iii) for which either you or a representative of yours is authorised by you (whether expressly or impliedly) to
undertake work (other than solely in a professional capacity), or
(iv) which has a director or shareholder in common with you
Data Protection Laws
the EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) and any data protection legislation applicable
from time to time in the UK and use herein of ‘Personal Data’, ‘Controller’, and ‘Data Subject’ have the respective
meanings defined therein
End User
any third party to whom you provide information concerning a Candidate following an Introduction and for whose
benefit the Candidate provides any services, and any associate (as defined by s.435 Insolvency Act 1986) of that
third party
any engagement, arrangement or employment of any description (including as defined by s.13(1)(a) of the
Employment Agencies Act 1973) under an Assignment or otherwise, whether direct or indirect, express or implied,
including an Offer, under which a Candidate is due to provide any services for your benefit or to an End User
including, but not limited in meaning to, an engagement or employment which is temporary or permanent in nature
or through the intermediary of a limited company or by contract through a third party, the date of which shall be
deemed to be the earlier of the date of an agreement to Engage or the date of commencement of any services
under an Engagement, and “Engage” and “Engaged” shall have corresponding meaning
any expenses you have agreed to pay
the payment due for the Services and ‘Fee’ shall have corresponding meaning
Fee Period
the longer of (a) any time after an Introduction where the Introduction was the effective cause of the Engagement,
or (b) during the later of 9 months after
(i) an Introduction relating to the Candidate, or
(ii) the last day of the Assignment of the Candidate
Fee Scales
as set out on page 1 of these Terms of Business and references to Fees 1 and Fees 2 are references to the Fees
described therein
the provision of information by us or by a Candidate, whether or not such information includes the Candidate’s
name, that enables you to identify a Candidate or relating to a Candidate already identified, including all
negotiations between the Parties relating to a Candidate and ‘Introduce’ shall have corresponding meaning
an offer to Engage the Candidate communicated either by you or us at your request, and which is accepted by the
you or us, together referred to as ‘Parties’
Payment Terms
the terms in Section 4
an Assignment where the Candidate is Engaged by you or an End User, whether part or full time, being either
(i) a ‘Temporary Placement’, namely an engagement that has a proposed limitation on the period of hire identified
(ii) a ‘Permanent Placement’, namely any engagement that is not a Temporary Placement
Privacy Notice
our privacy notice made pursuant to the Data Protection Laws from time to time which can be found at
any payment for the services of the Candidate under an Engagement calculated in accordance with section 4
a request from you in any form (whether oral or otherwise) for our Services
Requirement Information
sufficient information to enable us to seek a Candidate including
- the position to be filled and date for commencement
- nature of the work and/or position required
- working conditions and location
- proposed salary and/or other payment terms
- issues relating to health and safety relevant to any Candidate
- minimum experience, certifications and qualifications required for the position
- confirmation that you have all necessary licences and consents required for the proposed work
- any other information which may be relevant to the decision of a Candidate to accept the position
the location of, and/or introduction of Candidates, to you in accordance with your Requirements and/or any
additional specific service (‘Supplemental Service’) which may be ancillary thereto
Special Terms
special terms agreed to apply to a specific Requirement
Special Terms
special terms agreed to apply to a specific Requirement
Terms of Business
this document comprising terms and conditions upon which we provide the Services